No matter who you are, or what you do, a course of tailored Rehabilitative Remedial Massage Treatments can help you do it better!
Located in Storrington, West Sussex with clients coming from many surrounding villages including Washington, Billingshurst, Pulborough, Ashington, Cootham, Sullington, Arundel, Amberley, Worthing, Brighton, Littlehampton and Horsham; as well as further afield such as Kent and Rugby!
Benefits of Rehabilitative Remedial Massage Therapy
Rehabilitative Remedial Massage therapy is very different to any beauty treatments and has a wide range of benefits for both mind and body, see below for more details about how a tailored course of rehabilitative remedial massages can enrich your life.

Skeletal System
Improve muscle tone, decrease inflammation, adhesions and scar tissue to reduce joint pain and improve your posture with increased range of motion of your joints.
You may wonder how a massage can affect your's how:
Massage boosts circulation and therefore nutrients to your bones and joints, helping to increase the retention of phosphorous, nitrogen and sulphur in the bones - which aids fracture healing.
Regular massage works to increase joint mobility by reducing any thickening of the connective tissue and helping to release restrictions in the facia. Massage also helps to free adhesions, break down scar tissue and decrease inflammation, which results in restoring improved range of motion to stiff joints.
Your muscle tone and balance will improve with regular massage, which reduces the physical stress placed on the bones and joints of the skeletal system. This greatly improves your posture, decreasing the pain associated with poor posture and ultimately allowing you to enjoy a wider range of activities.

Circulatory, Cardio-vascular and Lymphatic Systems
Massage improves the quality and quantity of your blood, which increases cellular nutrition in the massaged area, reduces swelling and pain as well as causing an increase in waste removal and injury recovery.
The physical application of massage strokes on the body helps to improve circulation by mechanically assisting the return of blood back to the heart. The blood vessels dilate helping them to work more efficiently and this enhances the blood flow, increasing the delivery of fresh oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. This increased blood flow also improves the removal of waste products, toxins and carbon dioxide from the muscles and tissues, which aids muscle recovery following activity.
Massage can also help to temporarily decrease blood pressure, due to dilation of capillaries and the heart rate decreases due to relaxation.
Massage can help bring relief to more specific and chronic conditions such as the pain caused by ischaemia (a reduction in the flow of blood to body parts, often marked by pain and tissue dysfunction) and fibromyalgia.
Massage also helps to stimulate the lymphatic system which increases drainage and removal of waste, most commonly seen as a reduction of oedema/swelling (excess fluid in the tissue) often experienced following injury to a muscle or joint.
Regular massage may also help increase your white blood cell count which in turn can strengthen your immune system.

Muscular System
Improve nutrition to your muscles, relieve muscular aches and pains, increase flexibility and aid in the improvement of your posture with regular massage
The most common benefit of massage is to help relieve the aches and pains felt due to muscular tightness, stiffness, spasms and restrictions in the muscle, soft and connective tissues of the body. This works best with regular massage, but even after one session an improvement is usually felt.
Massage relaxes the muscles, soft and connective tissues which increases their flexibility and range of motion. This reduces the pressure placed on the joints and improves their tone and development. Over time massage therefore improves our posture.
The increased blood circulation created through massage brings more oxygen and nutrients into the muscle which reduces muscle fatigue and soreness; and promotes rapid removal of toxins and waste products from the tissues. This also helps you recover faster following exercise and improves healing of injured tissues.
When muscles are in optimal balance, they work more effectively, thus improving your motor skills, and allow you to enjoy a wider range of activities pain free.

Nervous System
Promote relaxation and reduce your stress and pain through regular massage
Massage stimulates your sensory and proprioceptive receptors in the skin through touch and pressure, which either stimulates or soothes nerves depending on the techniques used.
Stimulation of these nerve receptors causes further reactions deeper within the body, affecting the internal organs vasomotor nerves, pain perception nerves as well as the muscles and joints of the areas being massaged.
It also helps to balance the autonomic nervous system and activate the parasympathetic nervous system which plays a very important role in helping promote relaxation and the reduction of stress.
Other conditions such as insomnia, depression, anxiety and restlessness are all positively influenced through the calming of the nervous system via the application of regular massage.
Additionally massage helps to reduce pain by having an effect on the neurotransmitters of the brain which increase the release of endorphins (natural painkillers), also known to elevate the mood.
The application of controlled touch on the body through massage provides a calming affect to overstimulated and hypersensitive nerves, sometimes caused by acute trauma, or possibly as a result of a chronic condition, which also results in a reduction of pain. Meaning specific nerve conditions such as a nerve entrapment or nerve root compression, when caused by muscular tension, are also helped by massage.

Improve your skins health through massage
Our skin is the largest organ of our body and massage helps to keep it in the best of health. It can bring about improved circulation to the skin which increases nutrition to the cells and encourages cell regeneration
It can sometimes cause increased production of sweat from the sweat glands, helping to excrete urea and waste products through the skin which is very important to ensure they do not build up in the skin causing blemishes, spots or even infections.
Vaso-dilation of the surface capillaries helps to improve the skin’s colour and tone as well as improving its elasticity, this is especially important for pregnancy massage where the skin is put under a lot of stress as the mothers body grows to accommodate her baby. Another factor which is very important is the increased sebum production which helps to improve the skin’s suppleness and resistance to infection.

Respiratory, Digestive and Urinary Systems
Free your breath, support your digestion and detoxify your body all in one massage!
Massage helps to deepen your breathing which improves your lung capacity by relaxing the tension found in the respiratory muscles. It also slows the rate of respiration due to the reduced stimulation of our sympathetic nervous system bringing about deep relaxation.
Massage supports your digestive system by increasing peristalsis in the large intestine, which is incredibly helpful to those suffering with constipation, colic or trapped wind. By stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and reducing stress in the body it in turn stimulates digestion, which is very negatively affected by high stress levels.
Waste removal from our bodies is crucial in order to maintain the best health, massage increases urinary output due to the increased circulation and lymph drainage from the tissues. It is always VERY important to ensure you are well hydrated before and after a massage to enable this process to be as effective as possible as your body will use your water reserves for the removal of waste through the urinary system.

Psychological Benefits
Achieve a true mind and body connection, increase relaxation, reduce stress and enhance your mood
Massage is very effective at connecting your mind and body, this helps reduce stress and anxiety which creates a feeling of well-being and enhanced self-esteem.
It can also promote positive body awareness and an improved body image as well as easing emotional trauma through relaxation.
Massage is far more than just work on muscular aches and pains, it encourages a sense of belonging and a concept of wholeness, which brings the mind, body and spirit together. This helps many clients who suffer from depression, or who have other mental health issues such as feelings of isolation/alienation. Massage enables the client to connect with their body and develop a deepened awareness of their own body, experiencing vulnerability as a positive concept of power and encourageing the experience of love and acceptance.
The power of touch is truly a wonderful thing!
For further information and evidence based studies I recommend you visit the NICE website: